On the 27th of November I will be speaking on communities and records management at IRD 2008. I am honored to be asked as I was part of the team that started the whole thing back in 2000. Now it has grown and it has moved, so I now get to speak in Utrecht. About a week ago, I received an email asking me to send in my powerpoint so it can be printed and be added to the syllabus that is handed out at IRD 2008. A great thought to give people the information they heard so they can take it home. And I agreed at first. Then I started thinking about it. Handing over your presentation beforehand is really never a good thing to do. People will read it and not listen. Or they will not come at all as they have read it already. Or at least, that would be the case if the presentation would have lots of words and bullit points. But it won’t. It will be pictures, some screenshots and possibly a word here and there. That will not communicate in print anyway. And besides that, as I want to trigger my audience, I would love to have a free flowing bit where I might draw pictures on something to get a discussion going. That would not fit either. So, I have decided against it. I will not hand it over. However, you can get it. Once I have finished I will put the presentation up on my blog. And that is the only thing I will be handing over. An A4 with the location of that single page.
About Arne

Organizations have a story to tell. Everyone has. And I strongly believe that technology is becoming one of our prime ways to connect people, to build relationships, to change the world. Technology is up there with writing, industrialization and the telephone. Those have changed our world. Technology will do that once again. But at a pace that is much higher than anything else.
With my clients, I interpret trends and make them practical. We create insights into the future. I coach and advise organizations, startups or individuals on what the future holds for them. Talk to me if you to find out what it holds for you.
You can always talk to me. Connect to me on any social network, or mail me on arne [at] arnehulstein [dot] nl or call me diect on +31 653 961 138.

I am also part of the Profimdo team where we are working with startups and innovative SME's on innovative product, product development, prototyping, market testing, product launches, social media campains to test the market, writing business plans, connecting to investors and more. Check out Profimdo at www.profimdo.nl.
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