Trouwe lezers van mijn blog is het al eens eerder opgevallen. Hoewel ik op andere terreinen best tevreden ben, is het hosten van wordpress een taaie kluif voor mijn huidige hoster. Zo langzamerhand ben ik dat wel behoorlijk zat geworden. Toen ik daar de afgelopen week op twitter een opmerking over maakte, sprong Ceptura direct in het gat. Coen Jacobs ken ik al wat langer en hij vroeg me wat ik zocht in een goede hostingspartij. Na een leuk gesprek over reizen 2.0 zoals ik dat ingestoken heb voor de Web 2.0 Expo, bood hij mij aan om de hosting van mijn blog te sponsoren en ervoor te zorgen dat mijn blog gewoon snel en goed toegankelijk is. Dat was een aanbod dat ik niet kon laten schieten. Dus, deze week gaat mijn blog over naar Ceptura. En dat lijkt mij een prima verandering.
About Arne
I love the future. I have loved it ever since I started reading. Technology is shaping our future fast. Back in 1985 I wrote my first computer program. Back in 1994 I launched my first website and I have been working with organizations on integrating new technology ever since.
Organizations have a story to tell. Everyone has. And I strongly believe that technology is becoming one of our prime ways to connect people, to build relationships, to change the world. Technology is up there with writing, industrialization and the telephone. Those have changed our world. Technology will do that once again. But at a pace that is much higher than anything else.
With my clients, I interpret trends and make them practical. We create insights into the future. I coach and advise organizations, startups or individuals on what the future holds for them. Talk to me if you to find out what it holds for you.
You can always talk to me. Connect to me on any social network, or mail me on arne [at] arnehulstein [dot] nl or call me diect on +31 653 961 138.
I am also part of the Profimdo team where we are working with startups and innovative SME's on innovative product, product development, prototyping, market testing, product launches, social media campains to test the market, writing business plans, connecting to investors and more. Check out Profimdo at
Organizations have a story to tell. Everyone has. And I strongly believe that technology is becoming one of our prime ways to connect people, to build relationships, to change the world. Technology is up there with writing, industrialization and the telephone. Those have changed our world. Technology will do that once again. But at a pace that is much higher than anything else.
With my clients, I interpret trends and make them practical. We create insights into the future. I coach and advise organizations, startups or individuals on what the future holds for them. Talk to me if you to find out what it holds for you.
You can always talk to me. Connect to me on any social network, or mail me on arne [at] arnehulstein [dot] nl or call me diect on +31 653 961 138.
I am also part of the Profimdo team where we are working with startups and innovative SME's on innovative product, product development, prototyping, market testing, product launches, social media campains to test the market, writing business plans, connecting to investors and more. Check out Profimdo at
Het doet me goed om te horen dat de diensten van Ceptura zo goed van pas komen.
Hopelijk, een lange en goede samenwerking!