People, technology and life

Category: pitch (Page 1 of 3)

Got a startup? Be on stage at LeWeb’11!

Yes, LeWeb will have a startup competition again. This year LeWeb is looking for the three best startups for the Social/Local/Mobile (SoLoMo – yes, the theme) marketplace. Is that you? Well, it might be if you have got anything to do with any of these. And the best way to find out is to enter the competition.

Something that I personally love in the approach to the competition this year is that they will be including a video element in their competition. And they have already said that creativity and originality will be the key to success. So, bring out the video equipment, the pizza, drinks and snacks and do an all night brainstorm with your crew how you are going to storm this competition. Read more on the LeWeb’11 agenda.

Btw. why do I love that video element that much? Because I know it will be fun to do, but also because I know it can pull your team together more. Hanging out and trying to get the weirdest ideas going to present your startup will get the most out of your team and bring you closer together after the stress of regular business. How do I know? In 2008 I ran a video competition with Erwin Blom and Lucien Burm. Soocial did a great movie that took the complete Next Web conference by storm. (They were not actually in the end results for the competition as they also won The Next Web’s own startup competition.) Take a look at it below and then get to work!

Hassle Free from Soocial on Vimeo.

Getting ready to go – are you coming?

I am really looking forward to this. Tomorrow I’ll be leaving to LeWeb with Erno Hannink. Four days of Paris, I won’t have time to see the Eiffel Tower and only glance at the Notre Dame in passing, and I am over the moon about it.
I am really looking forward to the LeWeb conference this year. Naturally I will be writing about what I hear and what I come across. You can find my posts here and on

If you are at LeWeb and would like me to do a video interview or write about you, just come up to me and let me know. Give me a shout on Twitter and lets make an impact starting at LeWeb.

LeWeb, bloggen en de wereld verbeteren

Ja, ik ga naar LeWeb dit jaar. Het is een tijdje geleden dat ik naar een groot evenement ben geweest en ik heb er zin in. LeWeb is altijd een conferentie waar veel over gesproken wordt en waar je veel inspiratie op kan doen voor nieuwe projecten, maar ook over de richting van onze online toekomst. Ik ben benieuwd naar de presentaties van gevestigde online diensten als Facebook, Twitter, Google, MySpace, Yahoo en anderen. Maar ik ben vooral benieuwd naar het streven om online te richten op onze persoonlijke wensen. Onze wens om fit te zijn (RunKeeper), om zonder emissies de wereld rond te vliegen (Solar Impulse) en om de wereld te verbeteren voor mensen die anders geen kansen zouden krijgen (Homeless World Cup).

Ik heb een hart voor mensen en voor de wereld. Ik ga naar LeWeb om te kijken hoe we samen “de dialoog met de klant” ook uit het marketing jargon kunnen trekken en om te zien of we de technologie kunnen gebruiken om onze wereld te verbeteren. Voor onszelf en voor anderen. Om er samen duurzamer, socialer, hartelijker, enthousiaster en beter van te worden. Dat is ook het verhaal dat ik wil delen. Ik zal schrijven over LeWeb en ik zal ook zeker weer wat video interviews gaan doen.

Ken jij startups met een visie om (online) technologie in te zetten om onze wereld duurzamer, socialer, hartelijker, enthousiaster en beter te maken? Of ken je mensen die hier een duidelijke visie over hebben? Ben je in Parijs? Of kunnen we elkaar ergens onderweg ontmoeten voor een kort interview? Laat het me dan weten via mijn blog of via arne [@] Deel je visie met de wereld. Op LeWeb, maar ook daarvoor en daarna.

On the road to social finances

I love the road. Whether it is the open road for driving or the roads to the future. Last year, Ford and I teamed up for the pitchstops on the road to the Web 2.0 Expo. Today, I am happy to announce that Ford and I will be getting on the road again. This time I will travel to the Somesso conference in Zürich on the 2nd and 3rd of November.

Somesso focuses on corporate social media and this time has a very clear focus on the combination of social media and finances. And as Somesso is held in Zürich, it is a perfect conference to visit if you are into finances. So far, many of the main financial institutions will be attending to learn about the combination of social media and finances.

I know that many have their own thoughts on how social media should change the way in which we approach money. This is why I have chosen to use this trip as a platform to share these thoughts. This time you can climb in the back of Ford’s luxurious Galaxy to share your views on how social media could change the financial sector. Anyone and everyone with a clear vision on social media and finances is welcome. Naturally, we would love it if you have taken action on your vision and have a business that leads the way. If not? We would love to hear your vision anyway.

All the interviews we will record during the trip will be posted on I say “we” record as I will be joined on the road by Steven Kruyswijk who will be on camera duty during the trip. And besides posting the videos on the site, we will also be officially presenting them to the audience at Somesso, on stage. So, your thoughts will be heard by a very influential group of financial professionals. Another reason to take part.

For our last trip you needed to be present to take part. This time however, I have decided to broaden the scope. After all, the financial sector has had a huge impact on our lives over the past year. This has gotten a lot of people thinking about alternative ways to organize finances. If you have your own view, but cannot make it to the car, you can still participate. Make a short video of yourself of three minutes maximum, upload it to youtube and send me the link to the video. Yes, I will be screening the videos first, but all worthwile contributions will be added to

So, lets get shooting! The Pitchstops car will make its first stop in Amsterdam on Friday the 30th of October. After that we will stop in Antwerp, and possibly in Brussels, Luxemburg, Strasbourg and Zürich. None of these stops have officially been planned yet, so give us your ideas for a great location that does not take long to get to (from the highway) and get people to come join us in the Ford Galaxy.

The Ford Galaxy

Web 2.0 Expo Berlin – the pitchstops

Over the last week I have been pretty busy at the Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin. It all started with an invitation to the bloggers program, but it grew to become something all on its own. This post is a quick overview of all the people that got into the Ford S-Max to do a short interview on their startup or their view of the future.

We started on Monday morning at Upstream in Arnhem. On the way there and in Arnhem we used our qik livestream. You can still find it at However, the quality was not what we had hoped for so we moved everything to youtube. There you can see the video’s of:

Theo Janssen of (in Dutch)

Geert Veneklaas of Muziek voor Media (in Dutch)

Gerjanne Tiemens of (in Dutch)

Lucien Burm of (in Dutch)

Dion Slijp and Bart Verheijen of (in Dutch)

Lori Bonsma of (in Dutch)

Oscar Klein and Rogier Sterk of (in Dutch)

Monique and Henk Jan Winkeldermaat of (in Dutch)

Most of Tuesday was spent talking to new startups and uploading videos. No new recordings were made that day.

Wednesday was a busy day. We had a great time talking to:

Nicola Robinsonova on

Sunny Paris on

Alexander Ljung of

Brady Forrest of O’Reilly Radar on the future for startups

Dania Gerhardt of Amazee

Dominik Grolimond of Wuala

Thursday was the last day of the Web 2.0 Expo. We talked to:

Christian Duncan of Playcharts

Jennifer Pahlka on Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin and San Francisco (

Mike Robinson of Mloovi

Mike Butcher of TechCrunch

Janetti Chon of O’Reilly Media on community management

Mathijs van Abben of Mobypicture

Dr. Michael Alger of Otello

David Lockie of

This is a complete list of all the interviews that I have done over the Web 2.0 Expo. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed watching them as well as showing you some great new insights and initiatives.

I also want to say thanks. Thanks to Ford for supplying the S-Max 2.5 turbo, which was an absolutely great car. Thanks to Nokia for supplying the N82 for live streaming and the N96 for the recordings we have put on youtube. And of course to Vodafone for supplying us with the roaming to work with live streaming.

A very personal thanks goes out to Erno Hannink for selflessly promoting the pitch stops at every single opportunity he could. And another very big thanks has to go to Janetti Chon. Thanks for arranging all we needed to pull this off. You have made this an awesome Web 2.0 Expo.

Behind the scenes at the Pitchstops with Marlooz

We had a great time at the Web 2.0 Expo filming our Pitchstops. And unexpectedly our good friend Marlooz turned up. Marlooz runs Marloozvertizing where you can hire her to do the video coverage at your event. Enthusiastic as ever, she flipped out her camera and did a great behind the scenes of our Pitchstops. Thanks a million Marlooz!

Marlooz is flipping Pitch Stops from Marlooz on Vimeo.

And don’t forget to hire Marlooz for your next event!

Thursday at web 2.0 Expo

Unfortunately these movies have been slightly delayed. They were shot last thursday at the Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin, but time for uploading, and a long trip home got in between filming and publishing. However, here they are. The last set of video’s of Web 2.0 Expo.

Mike Robinson of Mloovi

Mike Butcher of TechCrunch on startups

Christian Duncan of Playcharts

Janetti Chon of O’Reilly Media on community management

Mathijs van Abbe of Mobypicture

Dr. Michael Alger of Otello

David Lockie of

Jennifer Pahlka on Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin and San Francisco

Wednesday at the Web 2.0 Expo

Yesterday we had another couple of people in the Ford S-Max. And we have decided to mix startups with something else. Other people that have a relevant story. Like Brady Forrest talking about the future of startups.

Sunny Paris on (

Nicola Robinsonova on (

Brady Forrest van O’Reilly Radar over de toekomst voor startups (

Alexander Ljung van (

Dania Gerhardt van Amazee (

Dominik Grolimond van Wuala (

Streaming and reality

I have to admit to something. I have to admit to believing that mobile media was better than it is. I have to admit I believed in live streaming great quality video from anywhere. I have to admit to thinking we could pull it off by using applications that are readily available.

And then reality kicked in.

Mobile technology is great and we are able to do much more than we would have a year ago. The phones I am carrying, the Nokia N82, the N95 8Gb and the new N96 are all able to do great quality video. However, the network is not up to it yet. The capacity to process data is probably there, but realtime streaming still is a very different story. Let alone streaming live from a car doing incredible speeds on the German autobahn.

But we are not stopped by this. We are now using the N96 for in-car videos and uploading them through youtube. You can find them all here and on

Get startups, get a brownie to share

Yes, I am going to give away the brownie we received from Sugarmama on monday. You would have to look at the movie to see how gorgeous it is… Anyway, here is your challenge:
I want to have as many startups in the Ford as I possibly can during the Web 2.0 Expo. The first one who will dm me the names of five startups that they have convinced to pitch in the Ford, will win the brownie! (Oh, did I say it is big? It is not a piece, it is the whole thing.)

Looking forward to your dm’s!

Get 5 minutes of international broadcast time

If you look out of the front doors of the Berliner Congress Center, you will see a black Ford S-Max parked right there. And it is there for a reason. Arne Hulstein has brought the car to the Web 2.0 Expo to give startups, new companies and people with great ideas a platform to promote their ideas on some great international blogs with a great audience in the Netherlands and Germany.

So, how do you get your pitch online? Head over to twitter and follow either @arnehulstein or @ernohannink. And then send them a message explaining who you are, what you do and what you want to pitch. That can get you into our car and onto the blogs. We will be there tuesday to thursday, so you do not have to miss out on any of your speakers. Just let us know what you want to do and we will get you sorted out.

Pitch to a broader audience, make a pitchstop.

Berlijn, onderweg en dan…

Het was vroeg dag vanochtend. De opmaat voor een lange dag. Het eerste deel van de rit bracht me naar Arnhem waar negen startende bedrijven hun verhaal hielden voor de live camera op de achterbank van de Ford S-Max. Hier voegden ook Erno Hannink, Mathijs van Abben, Wilbert Kramer en Marc van Maanen zich bij mij om de reis naar Berlijn te beginnen.
De reis zelf verliep zonder problemen. Wel wat wegwerkzaamheden die de zaken wat ophielden, maar op de open stukken kreeg de Ford de vrije loop. En die loopt nogal hard. Tot 220 kilometers per uur zijn we gekomen. En dat zonder dat er aan de stabiliteit en het comfort van de S-Max veel te merken was. Hij maakte gewoon zijn kilometers. De adaptive cruise control was daarbij dan een genot om mee te werken. Op het moment dat een andere weggebruiker een lagere snelheid had, paste hij zonder problemen de snelheid aan. Ook al betekende dat soms behoorlijk de ankers uitgooien. Wat mij betreft een hele fijne optie als je dit soort ritten vaker maakt. Het maakt het reizen nogal wat veiliger voor iedereen.
Uiteraard hebben we ook uitgebreid gebruik gemaakt van zowel de telefoons die Nokia ons ter beschikking heeft gesteld, de N96 en N82 en de kaart van Vodafone voor het live streamen. De hele live stream is hier dan ook te zien. Of bezoek de site van qik. Morgen gaan we aan de gang om meer mensen in en om de auto te krijgen, want er zijn genoeg geïnteresseerden.

Hier een overzicht van de pitches in omgekeerde volgorde:

Monique en Henk Jan Winkeldermaat van

Oscar Klein en Rogier Sterk van

Lori Bonsma van

Dion Slijp en Bart Verheijen van

Lucien Burm van

Gerjanne Tiemens van

Geert Veneklaas van Muziek voor Media

Theo Janssen van

En er is ook een uitgebreide reeks foto’s van gemaakt.

Na de pitches was het echt tijd om te gaan. Op naar Berlijn. De S-Max

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