People, technology and life

Category: Twitter (Page 3 of 3)

And the winner is… …me.

Yesterday was the day of the Dutch Bloggies. And I was there. Unprepared, unexpected, but I was there. 18 blogs were awarded in 18 categories. 250 people where in the Atrium in The Hague to witness it. And I am not going to tell you who won. I am also not going to tell you about the jury, the countless hours of judging and reading blogs and I am not going to tell you about sponsors or media coverage. I am going to tell you about twitter.

Highlights of my day yesterday were walking up to a restaurant picked by @raaphorst. Spending time eating with @eef, @arjanh, @erwblo and others (forgot the nicks, comments please…). Or going to Pavlov half an our before the bloggies and chatting to @leolovestwtr and @marlooz about how natural it seemed to be twittering while talking to others. And nobody in the group thought it was strange. Sitting next to @phoef during the award ceremony I felt both on the backchannel as well as in the Atrium. A nice combination of being close to people there and yet not sitting next to you. And after the awards there was the time meeting so many of the twitterazi I am connected with.

The evening was great. For me the main thing was just being there and being with a group of friends who I never met before, except for on twitter. And it proved to me once again that relationships can build online and extend naturally into ‘real life’. I had a great time. Thanks @frankmeeuwsen for making the evening happen. And to @erwblo for inviting me over. Mostly to talk about the Support your local Startup! rules. But I guess we’ll have to do that online again today.

Support Your Local Startups!

This morning twitter buzzed with The Next Web. The two day conference to be held on the 3rd and 4th of April in Amsterdam is a great conference to go to. However reasonable the 750 euro admission price is for the two days, there are always people that cannot make it because of the money. So, after some discussion on the discounts that you can or cannot get by blogging about The Next Web, I suggested that owners of businesses that do not need the discount, offer them to startups that cannot get the discount. Get your local startup to The Next Web. Because new startups are the ones that benefit most of all the information on The Next Web.

Luckily Erwin Blom quickly joined in and blogged on the subject. He was the first one to offer 500 euro’s as well. Thanks for doing that Erwin! Then the idea took shape. The startup has to motivate why he or she needs the ticket in a video of maximum 3 minutes. Votes will then decide on who will be receive the tickets to The Next Web. After the visit we expect another video to tell your voters what you picked up and how it is going to affect your startup.

So, a great chance for startups. And not only to gain access to a great conference, but also to gain a new audience.


This article will be updated as new initiatives come in.

The Next Web has committed to doubling every euro of this initiative! Awesome guys!

We have decided that we will be giving away 10 tickets for The Next Web. For the list of the sponsors, take a look at the comments on Erwin Blom’s Support your local startups. Get working on your videos, be a part of The Next Web.

Dutch Cowboys have stepped up to the challenge.

Changed the title from “The Next Web for The Next Startup?” to make sure all blogs run under the same title.

You can now find all the details on entering, sponsoring and voting on

The rise of the dodesfelfo

Last Thursday the Dodesfelfo struck twitter. An unkown concept of a thing, or animal, or food, or… Dodesfelfo was left to everyone’s imagination to describe. And they did. The counter for twitter messages about the dodesfelfo currently stands at 443 and still is rising. And all from a silly typo on my N95 where I wanted to type the Dutch word “onderdelen” but hit the d instead of the o. My T9 dictionary then was nice enough to create the dodesfelfo. And within an hour the discussion had started. Later on t-shirts and a fan hyves was created for the dodesfelfo, which now has 10 members. Karlijn has written an article on Dutch marketing site It also shows her Dutch slideshare presentation showing some of our twitter postings. A great read.

To me the rise of the dodesfelfo symbolises the way in which concepts spread through online social networks. I realise that the Dutch use of twitter might not be entirely to the letter of the original concept, but it allows realtime online networking with people holding the same interests and passions. You choose who to follow, they choose whether or not to follow you. Most of the users are on the forefront of internet and social media in the Netherlands. And it shows. Messages from twitter travel far and deals for everything from work to office space are made through twitter. But personal joy and grief are shared as well. Twitter is almost like offline life, but without the physical restrictions on time and place. A concept that can be used for many to involve others in their life and practice. So far there are only a limited number of users, but the concept for twitter will travel far in coming years to involve people with one another regardless of where they are and when they communicate.

Launching the concept

Over the past weeks I have had several ideas which I would like to see realised. All of them have a web 2.0 feel to them and they are all internet based. Trouble has been that I do not have any real programming skills or ambitions. This means that I will need someone else to do most of the developing and that involves a lot of money. Then the other day I saw Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten send out a tweet about his new initiative. We exchanged some emails and a decision has been made. Yes, I will offer the possibility to work with me on some of the projects in my mind. I am really interested where this decision is going to take me (and possibly you), but it is exciting never the less.

Next up will probably be a restyle of my blog as well.

Spread the love

Even twitter became love ground yesterday. Twitter users could declare each other their love by sending a <3 which would convert into a heart on their web timeline. Gtalk users also saw hearts as gtalk converted the <3 as well. Receivers of hearts could easily respond by using a special “Yes” button in their timeline. Lets just say that it was fun, got some people in a frenzy and generally messed up everybodies timelines by flooding them with love. Joy all around.

Nevertheless, I did feel something was missing. Valentine’s also is the day to send your secret declaration of love to others. Twitter listed your name, so that couldn’t really be seen as an anonymous declaration by any definition. Wouldn’t it have been great if you could have sent a direct message to @valentwitter to say you loved one of your followers? It would have made the excitement even bigger.

But for me… Yesterday, I just left my Valentine’s surprise in the kitchen and when she found it, she loved it.

Open Lunch 2.0 – the mobile edition

Vorige week heeft de eerste open lunch plaats gevonden. Een initiatief om te gaan lunchen bij een interessant bedrijf. Leuk als je in de buurt bent. Daarom nu een nieuw initiatief. Open Lunch 2.0 – the mobile edition. Elkaar ontmoeten tijdens een lunch onderweg en bijpraten over allerlei onderwerpen. Het liefst op een originele locatie, maar een wegrestaurant mag natuurlijk ook.

De eerste Open Lunch 2.0 – the mobile edition zal plaatsvinden op 31 januari in Groningen. De plaats is nog niet exact bekend, maar wel dat er al tenminste 2 deelnemers zijn. Uiteraard kom ik zelf en ook @gordonlokenberg is van de partij.

Voor volgende edities zijn we nog op zoek naar een site waar veel mensen lunches kunnen plannen, waarop anderen dan weer in kunnen haken. Misschien op basis van een groepslidmaatschap of zo. Suggesties hoor ik graag hier, via twitter of mail.

Aanvullend heb ik vandaag ook op LinkedIn de vraag gesteld of er een planningtool beschikbaar is die ik kan gebruiken voor Open Lunch 2.0.

Wie-o-Wie ben jij?

Een tijdje geleden is site van wieowie online gegaan. Met de zoekmachine op de site kun je zoeken naar personen. Daar komen dan verschillende resultaten uit, op basis waarvan je dan meer te weten kunt komen van die persoon. Daarnaast is ook de wieowie factor bedacht. Een ranking van mensen met een wieowie profiel. Maar wat kun je nou eigenlijk precies met de site? En wat is het nut voor recruiters. En wat biedt de betaalde site meer? Om daar achter te komen zullen Gordon Lokenberg en ikzelf een bezoek gaan brengen aan wieowie.

Op het moment dat ik dit schrijf staan Gordon en ik allebei in de top tien van de Wow factor. Wat de waarde daarvan is, weten wij ook nog niet precies. Daarbij is het mogelijk om een hoge rating te krijgen door de zoekresultaten van mensen met dezelfde naam. En is dat dan handig, of juist valsspelen. Wij zijn er nog niet uit. Jullie?

Happy New Year!

Ok, it’s a bit late, but as 2008 has rolled around, I want to wish everyone a very happy and blessed 2008. Of course there are many things we can expect to see in 2008, but for most nobody will give a guarantee. Oh well. It is going to be interesting to see where our economic enthusiasm will go this year with prices for oil and gold at an all time high. Will environmental friendliness finally hit the main stream buyers? Will we start working from home more and more due to the rise of the cost of traveling? What impact will services like Jaiku, Twitter and online networks have in a time when the economic situation might be changing more rapid than ever? It is going to be an interesting year. I am enjoying it already.

P.S. And blog-wise I might be changing more and more towards writing in English.

Microbloggen en netwerken

Microbloggen draait om de vraag: “Wat ben je mee bezig?” Dat hoeft niet alleen te worden opgevat als een fysieke plaats, maar ook gedachten vallen daaronder. Zo kun je vragen stellen, waar anderen op antwoorden. Dingen die jij je afvraagt, waar een ander op inspringt. Als je genoeg vrienden hebt tenminste.

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Online afspreken

In de afgelopen paar jaar ben ik me steeds meer gaan bezighouden met online netwerken. Door offline bijeenkomsten heb ik ook een aantal mensen beter leren kennen. Gedreven mensen met visie waarmee je over allerlei specialismen prima kan bomen. Ik denk ook dat als je je online netwerken niet verdiept door offline ontmoetingen (waar dat kan), dat je kansen laat liggen. Daarom reageer ik ook graag op dit soort vragen. Zoals de afgelopen week.

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Over de afgelopen maanden hebben een heel aantal ideeën door mijn hoofd gespeeld over het wel of niet starten van een blog. Nu ik steeds meer blogs lees, krijg ik ook steeds meer het idee dat het goed is om zelf ook te gaan schrijven. Dit wordt ook geholpen door de contacten en de reacties die ik heb gekregen sinds ik Twitter gebruik.

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