Arne Hulstein

People, technology and life

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Hand it over

On the 27th of November I will be speaking on communities and records management at IRD 2008. I am honored to be asked as I was part of the team that started the whole thing back in 2000. Now it has grown and it has moved, so I now get to speak in Utrecht. About a week ago, I received an email asking me to send in my powerpoint so it can be printed and be added to the syllabus that is handed out at IRD 2008. A great thought to give people the information they heard so they can take it home. And I agreed at first. Then I started thinking about it. Handing over your presentation beforehand is really never a good thing to do. People will read it and not listen. Or they will not come at all as they have read it already. Or at least, that would be the case if the presentation would have lots of words and bullit points. But it won’t. It will be pictures, some screenshots and possibly a word here and there. That will not communicate in print anyway. And besides that, as I want to trigger my audience, I would love to have a free flowing bit where I might draw pictures on something to get a discussion going. That would not fit either. So, I have decided against it. I will not hand it over. However, you can get it. Once I have finished I will put the presentation up on my blog. And that is the only thing I will be handing over. An A4 with the location of that single page.

Sitting down with Tim O’Reilly

When I was in Berlin last month, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tim O’Reilly in our pitchcar. I have to say that I enjoyed that time. After hearing his keynote on how the future will be for startups, it was only natural to see our conversation drift that way. And we agreed that the key element for anyone to become successful in the current market would be passion. A passion to work on something that you would work on anyway regardless of whether you would get funded. Regardless of the interest it gets from the media, regardless of whether it will be a quick way to earn lots of money. It comes down to the passion of the people behind it. Their enthusiasm for the question they want to answer and their joy when users benefit from using the service. This is something we both feel very strongly about.

For me personally passion is important in what I do. I have a passion for people. And my passion for people only naturally became a passion for social media, because that is full of them. And that is why I loved spending time with Tim O’Reilly. Because besides all that he has talked about and all that he has done in the past, in the end he is a man of passion. When talking to him, he will lean forward, he will use his gestures and his eyes will light up. He is passionate about what he does. And even though he has a pretty big organisation behind him, I believe that he would be doing exactly the same thing if he wouldn’t. A great demonstration that passion is the key to succes, if it is genuine and for no other reason than the subject you are working on.

Common interests, feedback and appreciation

Last week I received an invite to the beta launch of Not specifically interesting as I get invites more often, but as it is close to an idea I used to have, I thought it was worth a try. After registration I came into a very pleasant looking visual representation of people that have similar interests to mine and who are on the same network. That is a great idea. One that I was talking about a year ago or so. Anyway, as I went over more of the details, I found a good couple of points which I would consider changing. As I am a demanding customer and one that likes to let people know what he thinks, I replied to the mail with the invite. I received a response within ten minutes thanking me for the suggestions and after a quick exchange of some suggestions by email, I received an extra mail telling me they were going to send me a t-shirt.

To be honest, I am not to be bought with a t-shirt. But what I do fall for is the service that is there. If we pull this thing apart it is a very basic way of dealing with your customers. A customer tries your product, he gets back to you with feedback, you tell the customer how you are going to del with it and then you give him something to show your appreciation. How many companies actually do that? And how many do I write about? There you go. On a very simple, very small scale, this is how it works. So are you rewarding your most valuable customers for their feedback on your business/product/service? Or do you not even give them a chance to make the suggestions. Because they will talk about you anyway, but it is your choice what they are going to be telling.

Great win @barackobama, lets stay in touch

As you will all have heard, Obama won the elections on the 4th of November. If nothing else, what I liked about his approach was his use of social media. He really was working on gathering people around him to carry his ideas further and communicate them to their friends. By using the established networks such as Facebook (2.5 million followers), LinkedIn (500+ contacts) and twitter (119,486 followers) but also by building the site. A great approach. And a great example of leading a tribe to influence the world. However, the question I am left with is this. Will Barack keep it up? Will we hear from him next week, next month or in April when he has been in office for four months. Will we still be able to contact him this way and will he still share with his followers what he is doing. Or will the site be hushed and will we wake up to the fact that it has been a great marketing effort to push the name and push the man. I sincerely hope not, because we have had a great taste of what social media are able to do when they are a part of your complete approach to reaching your potential tribe. Lets keep that up @barackobama and lets keep on talking. It might even be a bit more personal to my taste as you see with @MaximeVerhagen the Dutch minister of foreign affairs. But at least @barackobama, lets stay in touch. Can I hear your “Yes we can!” on that?

Possible recession, or possible opportunity

Right now, if you are not talking about the US elections, you are talking about the possible recessions which might hit the world. And it probably will. Mainly because the media want it to. But that is another story. For many people, a possible recession generates uncertainty and doubt about the future. It is a hard time. Or is it? Is a recession something to scare us, or is it something we need to face head on. Something we need to think about. Not long and hard, but quick and hard. Because in a time of recession the survivors are the ones that have been able to adapt quickly enough to the new situation. In a time of recession it becomes more and more clear that your relationships matter. Because it will be the customers you have the best relationship with, that will keep coming back. Even when your product or service costs a bit more than your neighbors. In that way, a slowing economy show you what your customers think about you. Even if you are only competing on prices.
A slowing economy is a challenge. A challenge to get out there more and make more of less. Less money coming in, less advertising and less giveaways. Your key to success in this time is to make sure your relationships are solid. Because they will result in more customers, more turnover and more recommendations from your current customers to their friends. Relationships allow you to grow against the flow. Because everyone loves to be loved.

Tribes: We need you to lead us

Yes, I am cheap. I got the audiobook from for free. Seth Godin’s latest book is on tribes. What? Tribes. The second meaning the Oxford dictionary lists for tribes is “a distinctive close-knit social or political group”. And that is what Seth is talking about. A close group of people that are lead by a leader. And that leader isn’t just anybody. That leader is you.

Honestly, I have not finished the book just yet. I have quite some time still to go. But I have to write about it already. Because it is all new to me? Well, not really. I am a very firm believer in all things related to social media, as most of you will know. Only this afternoon I stated that relational marketing is the marketing of the near future. And I stated that to my old marketing teacher. Why I have to write about Seth’s book, is because it has made me think again. I have had a number of things in the back of my head, that I had not taken action on. They have just been lying around there gathering braindust. But if there is something Seth’s book does, it is getting you involved. It gets you thinking about how you can be a leader. About what type of unconventional ideas you are having. And it makes you dream about what it would be like if those ideas could be put into practice.

So the question that remains is what YOU have been dreaming about lately? Or over the past few years even. What is the thing you would most love to do? What is the change you would want to make in the future? Think about that while you read the book, or listen to it. And then get up and do something about it. Not because it is fun to lead, not because it will give you status, not even because of what you will be achieving. But mainly because you love doing it and because you have a passion for the change you would want to make. And that is the best reason if ever there was one.

On the road with Max

If you read this blog, it will not have escaped your attention that I was in Berlin last week at the Web 2.0 Expo. It was a fantastic week, not in the least due to the sponsoring I got to do the pitchstops. Through doing those I met lots of new people and exchanged ideas with many of them. A literal vehicle to make this happen was the Ford S-Max. Ford Netherlands jumped in to sponsor our trip to Berlin with a loaded Ford S-Max, which we could use for the interviews we did in Berlin. And I have to say, it was a great car.

It all started off with my question on how to get to Berlin in style for the Web 2.0 Expo. Unfortunately a number of brands rejected the whole idea. Both BMW and Citroën even stated that they were not interested in social media exposure at all. But Ford is working hard on finding the value communities can offer its brand and Scott Monty reacted positively to the idea. As he connected me with Dennis Homburg at Ford Netherlands, the search for a suitable car started and the end result was the S-Max. A spacious car with a sporty outside due to the sports package and the huge 20″ alloy wheels.

To be honest, I was a bit sceptical about the Ford. I have driven Ford’s before and I never really liked the seats. And on a trip to Berlin, you really spend a lot of time in those. However, the S-Max exceeded my expectations. Of course the car dazzled you at first with it good looks and even two-tone leather on the seats. During the pitches in Berlin the car even changed names from the Pitchmobile to the Pimpmobile. But driving it for so many ours revealed that the car was much more than just good looks.

I enjoyed the S-Max thoroughly. So much so, that I never actually let go of the wheel, except when I got Erno Hannink to drive it to the Berlin Conference Center once. But the only reason for that was that I still had to change after running. Sorry about that guys. It was just a good wheel to be holding. Speedwise the 2.5 turbo leaves nothing to be desired, as long as you keep track of the gear you are in. Accelerating from 120 in sixth will not be heartstopping, but go down two gears and you are flying. As long as you make sure the turbo is spinning, performance is great. And one of the nice additions for the autobahn was the adaptive cruise control. It keeps you at a safe distance of the car you are following, regardless of what speed you are doing. Well, I have to correct that. It only works until 180 kilometers an hour as it does not allow you to use cruise control above that speed. And that is not a bad idea. Because you need all your concentration at speeds that exceed that. Nevertheless, even when it topped out at 220, we still had someone asleep in the car. A testimony to the relative ease with which the S-Max seems to be performing. And that was something we all agreed upon. Travelling with five to Berlin and four coming back, we did notice that four adults fitted the car much more comfortably. But five worked great if a bit cosier in the back seat. We never pulled up the two rear seats, because we did not have to, but anyone bigger than a child would have been challenged to sit in there for the whole trip by the looks of it.

As an overall result, I was very pleased with the S-Max. It looked great, had good performance and got us there reasonably rested. A good travelling companion. Thanks Ford. It was a good experience.

Web 2.0 Expo Berlin – the pitchstops

Over the last week I have been pretty busy at the Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin. It all started with an invitation to the bloggers program, but it grew to become something all on its own. This post is a quick overview of all the people that got into the Ford S-Max to do a short interview on their startup or their view of the future.

We started on Monday morning at Upstream in Arnhem. On the way there and in Arnhem we used our qik livestream. You can still find it at However, the quality was not what we had hoped for so we moved everything to youtube. There you can see the video’s of:

Theo Janssen of (in Dutch)

Geert Veneklaas of Muziek voor Media (in Dutch)

Gerjanne Tiemens of (in Dutch)

Lucien Burm of (in Dutch)

Dion Slijp and Bart Verheijen of (in Dutch)

Lori Bonsma of (in Dutch)

Oscar Klein and Rogier Sterk of (in Dutch)

Monique and Henk Jan Winkeldermaat of (in Dutch)

Most of Tuesday was spent talking to new startups and uploading videos. No new recordings were made that day.

Wednesday was a busy day. We had a great time talking to:

Nicola Robinsonova on

Sunny Paris on

Alexander Ljung of

Brady Forrest of O’Reilly Radar on the future for startups

Dania Gerhardt of Amazee

Dominik Grolimond of Wuala

Thursday was the last day of the Web 2.0 Expo. We talked to:

Christian Duncan of Playcharts

Jennifer Pahlka on Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin and San Francisco (

Mike Robinson of Mloovi

Mike Butcher of TechCrunch

Janetti Chon of O’Reilly Media on community management

Mathijs van Abben of Mobypicture

Dr. Michael Alger of Otello

David Lockie of

This is a complete list of all the interviews that I have done over the Web 2.0 Expo. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed watching them as well as showing you some great new insights and initiatives.

I also want to say thanks. Thanks to Ford for supplying the S-Max 2.5 turbo, which was an absolutely great car. Thanks to Nokia for supplying the N82 for live streaming and the N96 for the recordings we have put on youtube. And of course to Vodafone for supplying us with the roaming to work with live streaming.

A very personal thanks goes out to Erno Hannink for selflessly promoting the pitch stops at every single opportunity he could. And another very big thanks has to go to Janetti Chon. Thanks for arranging all we needed to pull this off. You have made this an awesome Web 2.0 Expo.

Behind the scenes at the Pitchstops with Marlooz

We had a great time at the Web 2.0 Expo filming our Pitchstops. And unexpectedly our good friend Marlooz turned up. Marlooz runs Marloozvertizing where you can hire her to do the video coverage at your event. Enthusiastic as ever, she flipped out her camera and did a great behind the scenes of our Pitchstops. Thanks a million Marlooz!

Marlooz is flipping Pitch Stops from Marlooz on Vimeo.

And don’t forget to hire Marlooz for your next event!

Thursday at web 2.0 Expo

Unfortunately these movies have been slightly delayed. They were shot last thursday at the Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin, but time for uploading, and a long trip home got in between filming and publishing. However, here they are. The last set of video’s of Web 2.0 Expo.

Mike Robinson of Mloovi

Mike Butcher of TechCrunch on startups

Christian Duncan of Playcharts

Janetti Chon of O’Reilly Media on community management

Mathijs van Abbe of Mobypicture

Dr. Michael Alger of Otello

David Lockie of

Jennifer Pahlka on Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin and San Francisco

Wednesday at the Web 2.0 Expo

Yesterday we had another couple of people in the Ford S-Max. And we have decided to mix startups with something else. Other people that have a relevant story. Like Brady Forrest talking about the future of startups.

Sunny Paris on (

Nicola Robinsonova on (

Brady Forrest van O’Reilly Radar over de toekomst voor startups (

Alexander Ljung van (

Dania Gerhardt van Amazee (

Dominik Grolimond van Wuala (

Streaming and reality

I have to admit to something. I have to admit to believing that mobile media was better than it is. I have to admit I believed in live streaming great quality video from anywhere. I have to admit to thinking we could pull it off by using applications that are readily available.

And then reality kicked in.

Mobile technology is great and we are able to do much more than we would have a year ago. The phones I am carrying, the Nokia N82, the N95 8Gb and the new N96 are all able to do great quality video. However, the network is not up to it yet. The capacity to process data is probably there, but realtime streaming still is a very different story. Let alone streaming live from a car doing incredible speeds on the German autobahn.

But we are not stopped by this. We are now using the N96 for in-car videos and uploading them through youtube. You can find them all here and on

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